Archive for March, 2014Page 5

Food for thought–not all flipped classroom resources are equally good

Here’s a link to an article that talks about how several math teachers have critiqued the Khan Academy videos. The video, which is embedded in article, is funny in a snarky kind of way. (The video itself, is based on Mystery Science Theater 5000 series.) What’s the take-home point for you? What are the limits […]

Just for fun!

For  my “just for fun” post, I thought I would post a video of the most adorable bilingual  2-year-old ever. Enjoy 🙂

In the News- Debate for Full Day Kindergarten  Because we are still in the midst of Kindergarten practicum I thought this was relevant! I know that when I was in Kindergarten it was only a half day and I was lucky because my mom was home in the afternoons to take my brother and I back home, but as mentioned in this […]

Diversity in children’s literature

Today we talked about the importance of diversity in children’s literature. Here’s a link to a great illustration of how (not) diverse children’s literature is today. (I love this because it is a cartoon!) One place to find quality, diverse children’s literature is at the American Library Association’s awards page. What resources do you know […]

My version of the SS Conference

I drove up to the conference on Sunday and went to one session about teaching “Curriculum for a crowded world.” The presenter, Elisabeth Young- Isebrand, took us through a few activities that we could use in the classroom when talking about population and natural resources. For me, I found it helpful to participate in the […]


I was very inspired by this conference! I learned about many strategies that can make my social studies lessons more engaging, such as multi touch books,  thinglink, iwonder, Emodo, digital flex books, meographs, and piktochart. In addition to adding technology to my classroom that will help them think creatively and help increase inquiry, I want […]


I was curious what everyone’s favorite session was? Mine was the pre-service teacher one.  I thought it was very relevant, informational, and helpful for where we’re at.  It was also quite interesting to talk about that kind of stuff with students from other colleges.

Social Studies Conference

At the Social Studies conference on Monday, I was able to attend many helpful and interesting sessions. The one that differed a little bit from the rest, and the one that was most relatable to me at this point in time was a discussion based session that was geared toward future elementary school teachers. This […]

Teaching with Primary Sources

While at the MCSS Conference I attended a break out session on how to teach students through primary sources. The presenter told us that she uses primary sources all the time in order to get her students to take part in historical inquiry and she actually has been able to eliminate using a textbook in […]


I know this is not always a topic that is discussed in the classroom, but I am wondering what everyone feels about Recess and at what age should students no longer get to go out to Recess before or after lunch?