Archive for Sophia Wertz

The South Africa and the Iraq countries

This is a, “Just for fun” post, but thought that it was still relevant to Geography because this woman is absolutely clueless and frozen as can be. I’m guessing that the majority of the class has seen this and loves quoting it just like I do, but this is a perfect example of a student […]

The World and pumpkins!

After doing a lot of reading on Geography lately, I am very passionate about teaching and integrating Geography into many of my everyday lessons for any grade. I think that it’s critical to work with maps because I think that most students have a poor understanding of world geography. Students often only learn U.S. Geography, […]

Discussion: The future…

Fellow Ed Majors, I’m curious as to where people are looking to jobs this upcoming year. As seniors obviously doing a whole lot of mock-teaching and practicum, it puts a lot of pressure on all of us to start thinking about where we would like to be for our first year out. I’m curious if […]

GeoFest: “Peace Corps”

I ended up liking Geofest a lot more than I thought I would and I was glad that I had the opportunity to attend because I learned a lot, got a lot of great FREE resources 🙂 and was fascinated by the speakers that I attended. One of the classes I attended was on the […]

Echoes of Spain performance

Sunday evening (Oct. 12th) there was a beautiful Flamenco performance done in Alumni Hall. Flamenco is a type of dance that originated in southern Spain in Andalusia. I was able to study abroad in this province and flamenco dancing became apart of my every day life. This performance was terrific and made me extremely nostalgic. […]

Shout out to Ms. Depuydt’s class

Would like to post a shout out to Alex and Beth for having such awesome lessons these past few days. We have all been working extremely hard with our cooperating teacher, taking constructive criticism daily from her and it has been extremely helpful. It’s been really fun to see our progress too in such a […]

Fantasy Geopolitics and Standards

At the Geofest conference I attended a seminar where this young man designed a website for middle and high school geography teachers called “Fantasy Geopolitics.” The purpose of this website is to get students more involved in current event. Growing up I remember my parents always shoving the newspaper and (at the time) boring magazines […]

History (Slavery Lesson)

Our group decided to build off of a lesson from the Colonial Williamsburg collection for our upper level history lesson. In this lesson, the students worked with primary sources/artifacts of the colonial era such as a pair of socks, a spoon, feather pen, etc. In our lesson we asked students to look critically at the […]

History (timeline)

For our lower level elementary lesson our group decided to do some work with chronology. We taught the importance of chronological order and how it is an effective way to record and present historical events. For starters we had students warm up to the idea of a timeline by having them record events that happened […]

Teaching social justice in the classroom

After talking about how we can teach social justice in the classroom, I found this website, (originally found it through Pinterest 🙂 ) and thought it was a great resource for teachers and parents. It has books that you can purchase, “anti-bias education” lesson plans, free articles on racial and cultural diversity, documentaries that are child-appropriate, […]