Searching for Social Justice Posted on March 26th, 2014 by

Summarize a key idea from the week:

I would like to thank everyone for being so open and understanding when talking about the racial incident in Monday’s class. As teachers it’s important to stand up for social justice. I’m glad that we were able to have an open conversation and express our feelings towards the issue that has happened. This was not the first time that a cruel racial incident has happened at Gustavus.

Therefore, I believe that Gustavus should take action to help prevent this from happening again. As our class did some brainstorming we thought of ideas such as a mandatory class or combining it with an FTS course requirement to cover these racial issues.Even though there’s not a clear answer on how to solve this issue, we all agreed that it is an issue that needs to be stopped.


Has anyone thought of any other ideas?




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  1. […] Building class community: “Shout out” for being willing to discuss diversity […]