GeoFest Posted on October 22nd, 2013 by

Overall, I thought GeoFest was a wonderful experience. From each session I attended I got teaching ideas, handouts, freebies and more!

In the first session I went to, we got an A-Z chart that students are asked to fill in at the beginning of each unit. For example, if they are studying about North America, students find a state, city, river, etc. that starts with each letter, A-Z. I think it would be cool to put this chart up on a larger bulletin board and fill it out as a class throughout the unit once students truly know what each letter means. It is an activity that would easily work on other subject areas as well.

The session “Geography Action Week for Middle Schoolers” brought to my attention the use of social justice books in the classroom. As we are learning geography, many social justice activities and projects can stem from the classwork.

Finally, I will be more conscious when looking at books to make sure I am adding books to my library that not only deal with reading skills and subject areas such as science, but books that make students interested in the world around them as a whole.


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