Shout out: Social Studies Lesson Posted on March 6th, 2013 by

In the past couple class periods, we were working on preparing discipline area lesson plans. The different groups were history, geography, civics education, and economics. Today in class we all taught our 30 minute lessons to everyone from our discipline. We also shared a handout with everyone about the area our group looked into so each of us can reference it later if we have to teach in that content area.

I just want to shout out to everyone who taught today! I think everyone did a great job in class today and did an awesome job of explaining concepts that can be seen as tough. I feel as though each lesson was well thought out and interactive that it could be taught tomorrow in the classroom with a few tweaks. We should all be proud of what we did today in class and can’t wait to implement all of these new ideas in the classroom!



  1. Caitlin Bonde says:

    Agreed! I’m glad you made a shout out to the social studies lessons Jenna! It can be tough to get students engaged in these subjects, and I thought everyone did a great job with doing that. It was interesting to see the different strategies groups worked. Shout out also to Steph (I believe) who suggested we share these lessons, and future lessons, with each other to start building a portfolio filled with creative, engaging lesson plans.

    As long as I’m including shout outs… shout out to all the critical feedback from everyone! It is extremely helpful to get input from peers and professors, and I want to personally thank you all. Notice I didn’t say “you guys”!? I think we all are able to give positive reinforcement for strengths in our lessons, but also accept suggestions to segments that could use improvement. This will continue to be appreciated as we continue our method’s semester!

  2. Joshua Timmerman says:

    First of all, thank you Jenna! I agree with you. Each one of the lessons was well prepared and very engaging. Not only was it fun for us as students, but it was also a great experience for us a pre-service teachers.

    I know that m group discovered many wonderful resources surrounding the concepts of geography, and I suspect that many of the other groups had similar opportunities and experiences. It was extremely helpful that we all were able to provide resource handouts to each other on the particular topics. These will be great resources for further education on the different subjects in social studies. We will be able to take what we learned from this experience into our practicum experience and student teaching opportunities. I am excited to see what the rest of the semester will bring!