Article about protesting standardized tests Posted on October 19th, 2012 by

This is the link to an article that appeared in the New York Times on October 12, 2012. High stakes testing weighs heavily on everyone’s minds in the education field. Parents in this article are having their children sit out on “field testing” and actual standardized tests in protest.

This is a very interesting article. If more parents felt this way/took action about high stakes testing, could testing be changed to better suite students and teachers?


One Comment

  1. Cassandra Faust says:

    This is a very interesting article! I think that there is so much to be done to change testing in a way that will benefit both the students and the teachers. In the article it says that the emphasis on testing is ruining the student’s experience in school. Testing should be valued as a way to improve instruction and to overall better the learning experiences of the students, not create a poor attitude towards school and learning. I have never heard of parents protesting testing by having their children sit out before. I wonder what other ways parents can take action to change the way high stakes testing is used in schools.