Archive for Kelly Okerman

Real Life Predator Prey Causes Parent Outrage in Minnesota

Hi educator buddies, Check out this recent MN flop in teaching predator–prey relationships to high schoolers. Crookston High School took quite an interesting perspective on this lesson!

Technology Resource

Hi all, this is another Geofest resource that I said I would share. I attended a presentation on ipad programs and Map Mashups. The man who presented has a website with all the resources he shared with us. There are some really good ones! To access these resources visit: When you get there, visit […]


One of the sessions that I attended at Geofest was about a program called World Savvy. The program focuses on project-based/inquiry learning with an emphasis on creating global competency within students. I thought the program sounded really interesting and it would be something that I would incorporate within my own classroom. The website where you […]

Technology Early College High School

Check out this article. It is about a college prep high school in New York. They take an interesting perspective on college preparation. The article is entitled: At Technology High School, Goal Isn’t to Finish in 4 Years

Key Idea

This is piggy-backing off of my last post a little, but go with it! A key idea that we have discussed in Valerie’s class is that a piece of writing can always be edited and revised. In a way this is saying that a piece is never complete, never perfect. In your opinion, how true […]

Discussion Question

Ok, this WILL turn into a discussion question, I promise! But here is one more piece that I wrote. Ewing’s Sarcoma – Say, what does that mean? Gray clouds drifted in the sky that day; leftover snow and ice crusted the ground, frost covered the grass. As all the other fourth graders exploded out of […]

And it felt like joy…

Hi guys, here is another one I wanted you to see. This is based off my visits to the assisted living homes here in Saint Peter. And it felt like joy… The door opens and the scent of old books wafts up to greet me. I walk through the dimly lit hallways to your room, […]

endless time

Hi all! This is a post just for fun. I enjoy writing in my free time, so this is a poem that I wrote up. Hope you enjoy! endless time there is a place where time is endless there is a place with no punctuation no capitalization or at least we do not notice it […]