Archive for Bethany Flohrs

Sharing a teaching idea

I found this on pinterest… i think its a good idea for all different ages! i really enjoyed the comparison chart!

Sharing a Teaching Resource

These are some resources that our c.t. gave us – feel free! Vocabulary Comprehension Not sure if that worked?

Discussion Question

Well practicum is over – congrats everyone we made it! My question for you is…Looking back to Kindergarten practicum and now reflecting on your teaching during elementary practicum – what is the biggest change that you see in your teaching? (Your teaching style? Teacher voice? etc)

Sharing a Teaching Idea

I know we talked about homework in Katrina’s class today so an idea that formulated in my mind throughout the day was what if your homework was taking the concepts that they are learning and helping them form those real world connections for their homework. It could be as simple as finding products in your […]

“In the news..”

I’m not sure if this really counts a “in the news..” post but I found this today when I was look at the Minnesota Education page! I think it will be very beneficial for all of us in the upcoming months!

Pinterest :)

Here are just a few teaching ideas I thought that I would share with the class since some of you (Mark) don’t have Pinterest 🙂   Since we did these in Writing Workshop… This is a good visual/spelling technique for when you are doing singular to plural words that aren’t just adding s to the […]

Question Time!

I’ve been working on my kindergarten lesson plans and I realized that I have been asking very similar questions and mainly low level questions. As teachers, how can we ensure that we ask a variety of questions, to even students at a young age like kindergarten?


This is an article that I got in my e-mail prior to taking my  MTLE Social Studies test. I’ve heard stories like this before and I just think that it’s such a good way to start off  your school year, not just in a social studies/history classroom but in any classroom.   NOW SHE IS […]