One of my favorite blogs to follow Posted on September 25th, 2014 by

I’m going to break a blogging rule and write about two things in this post.

First, let me share one of my favorite blogs to follow: The Nerdy Bookclub! This is where I get many of my ideas about what I MUST READ. Umm… a graphic novel called El Deafo, which is reviewed by someone who is smart about books and has the perspective as someone with significant hearing loss ? I want it! (Actually, just ordered it!)

Writing this blog post has also reminded me about how social media is increasingly connected. So, even though the Nerdy Bookclub is a blog, I follow it on Facebook and, because I want to share it with you, I’m writing about it here.

So, why don’t we use Facebook for our class and in the Elementary setting? In some ways it would be more authentic for us to use whatever social media you are using–Facebook, Twitter, Vine, Instagram, Snapchat, Kik, or others that I probably don’t even know about. However, in the Elementary setting a teacher generally needs a little more control over privacy settings, what students might read on a more public platform, etc.

The good news is that you can teach the writing and reading skills you are targeting in any platform! (Kids will figure out the technical aspects of new platforms on their own.)

Finally, has anyone heard of the “creepy treehouse syndrome”? Its the idea that, if a child hangs out in a treehouse, it’s kind of cool. But if your 43 year old teacher decided that she was going to spend all of her time in the treehouse, it might feel a little less cool. 🙂

Back to my first point–What blogs do you follow?



  1. Elisabeth Krane says:

    What a cool blog, Valerie! I like how thoroughly the author describes each book. Another source that I know we’ve all used in Children’s Lit is Goodreads–I like to follow many of my bibliophile-bloggers on Goodreads so I can keep track of what they’re reading. I hope that, if you come across any more resources like this, you’ll share with us again!

  2. Lauren Pauley says:

    I just got done browsing through this blog, it is pretty awesome! I love reading about books and getting ideas for suggestions, so this might be one that I will have to continue to refer to! As for blogs that I follow, on an unrelated to school note, I have been a loyal follower of Annie’s Eats for several years…her recipes are awesome! Another blog that I have enjoyed perusing lately is “A Year of Many Firsts.” So many great ideas for lower elementary classrooms!