Archive for February, 2014Page 2

In the News: Anti-bullying law is being discussed

Check out this news report on the state’s proposed anti-bullying law. This bill is referred to as the “Safe Schools” law and comes out of a discussion about how schools can protect students from anti-gay harassment. Evidently there’s a movement to keep it from being passed. Later in the semester we’ll watch a video called […]

Hands on History Questions

Thank you to everyone for a fun class session! I appreciated your thoughts on what it means to “think historically” and loved looking at the Hands On History artifacts! Here’s a link the Colonial Williamsburg site. You’ll see that they have lots of other resources for teachers. In a couple of weeks we’ll be talking […]

MN Council for the Social Studies Conference!

Don’t forget to register for the MCSS conference, March 2-3, 2014. (I believe February 20th is the last day you can get the student discount.) Check out the conference website for registration and the conference schedule.

In the news: Impact of projects (with a hint of Just for Fun”)

This was a friendly reminder to me to think through the impact of projects that are completed at home. 🙂 As teacher, we always need to think about the resources at-home projects require, what learning is accomplished, and what role we want parents to play. Did anyone have a teacher who did an especially good […]

Happy Valentine’s Day

As I read your journal entries this morning, you helped me think about why writing is important for our students. Then, I was on Facebook and I saw this great love letter from a father to his daughters about how they shouldn’t accept the definition of beauty that  fashion magazines will try to sell them. […]

First impressions of blogging

I’m curious about everyone’s first impressions of our class blog. What can I (or we) do to make this a meaningful experience? What questions about reading, writing or teaching with blogs are on your mind? What would people like to learn about the more technical side of blogging?

Proud Friend

One of my good friends, Tyler Gustafson, has an article written about him in the campus paper.  He’s representing the USA junior biathlon team.  It’s pretty cool and you should check it out.

Shout out!: What a great first class!

This shout out is for this semester’s elementary practicum group. On Monday we did an activity in which we shared three things that symbolized something about each of us. I appreciated the fact that, although there was lots of laughter in the room, some people shared more serious experiences.

In the news: The Olympics!

I’m always on the look-out for ways to connect students to current events. This week I was inspired my my son’s daycare teachers who are holding Olympic Games for the students. My son is only 2 1/2, but he’s learning words like torch, compete, medal, games, etc. I looked online a bit last night and […]

What makes a good (online) discussion?

We’ll work together this semester to make this blog as interesting and useful as possible. To help us get started, here are some questions to think about: What makes a good discussion, in general? What makes you want to read a blog post? What advice would you give to blog authors so that others read […]