Archive for October, 2013Page 2

poverty taxes the brain I just read this article on how poverty – temporary and long-term – affects cognition. Some of it makes sense to me and other parts I question and need more information. It makes me more eager to read the education department’s book study “Teaching with Poverty in Mind.”

Class Shout Out!

Happy Monday of Fall Break, I just wanted to do a quick shout out, because I forgot to on Friday! I think we had an impactful and deep conversation during Friday’s TLC class and I want to thank everyone for listening and sharing ideas and experiences! We brought up many issues that will be impacting […]

Tattle Tales

I found this book on Pinterest called A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.  It would be perfect for younger elementary students who feel the need to tell the teacher everything that is going on.  It then reminded me of a current teacher that keeps a stuffed animal turtle in her classroom called Tattle Turtle.  If […]

I had a family wedding this weekend and when we are all together we always talk about old stories of when our parents and grandparents were little and growing up.  I have a very large family and a lot of the names of people I never got the chance to meet are hard to keep […]

Cradle-to-K initiative

As future elementary school teachers, the last thing we want is for our students to be or fall behind in their learning.  Minneapolis Mayor candidate Betsy Hodges, has formed an initiative called Cradle-to-K for the Minneapolis area.  It will provide help for expecting parents and young children before they start kindergarten to help close the […]


I found this page that has almost three hundred ways for teachers to use Post-Its! There are some really interesting ways to use them, and I think you all should go check them out! I really like the idea of using Post-Its for your seating chart so you can easily move students around. There is […]

Immigration and Ellis Island Teaching Ideas

Hello All, Today we talked about immigration and Ellis Island.  Although we thought of many good ideas of lesson plans we could teach to our students on this topic, I wanted to go on-line and find more.  I found a virtual tour of Ellis Island on, which allows students to virtually go through each […]

Bullying :(

While I was watching the news this evening, this story came up about cyberbullying.  On September 9th, a young girl (middle school aged) jumped to her death from an abandoned concrete plant after being bullied continuously both on-line and at school.  This news story reiterates the fact of how important it is for us, as […]

“In the news..”

I’m not sure if this really counts a “in the news..” post but I found this today when I was look at the Minnesota Education page! I think it will be very beneficial for all of us in the upcoming months!

Standardized Testing Popularity

Earlier today in class we talked about Education Minnesota.  This motivated me to go on-line to read their newsletter for the month of October, and I found many different interesting articles.  One article I found (attached below) discussed the popularity of standardized testing in America and how parents are uneducated about the core curriculum/state standards. […]