Tattle Tales Posted on October 21st, 2013 by

I found this book on Pinterest called A Bad Case of Tattle Tongue.  It would be perfect for younger elementary students who feel the need to tell the teacher everything that is going on.  It then reminded me of a current teacher that keeps a stuffed animal turtle in her classroom called Tattle Turtle.  If the students feel the need to tattle something they have to go whisper it to the turtle.  She started doing this one year when her class was out of control with tattling every little thing.  After a while of using the turtle, the kids started to stop tattling all together.  They figured out that it wasn’t worth their time to blame someone else for doing something.  It teaches them an awesome lesson that they should really only be telling the teacher important messages.



One Comment

  1. Susan Moore says:

    The tattle turtle is an effective technique and you have a done a great job of analyzing how it works.