Archive for March, 2013Page 3

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies

This past Monday all of the elementary methods students traveled to St. Cloud, Minnesota for the annual Minnesota Council for the Social Studies (MCSS) conference. Here we were able to see a variety of presentations on topics ranging from economics, juvenile justice, technology, history and much more! We were also able to visit with vendors. […]

In The News … New Issues Discussed At Education Conference

To conclude our education conference experiences for science and social studies, I found an appropriate news article from the Star Tribune talking about new issues talked about at the annual conference sponsored by Education Minnesota. A part of this conference included  sessions on using music and singing to help students learn math and language skills, […]

Interactive Read Aloud

Literacy is a key component of elementary education and it is given much emphasis in the classroom. It is clear that reading aloud has value to children of all ages. This week we got to experience an interactive read aloud activity during class. Interactive read aloud not only allows the teacher to read a big […]

MCSS: iPad Resources

On Monday we were given opportunity to to attend the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies conference in Saint Cloud, MN. At this conference I attended a session about working with iPads in social studies. Not only eould these different apps be usefull in social students, but they could be used with any subject. The […]

Shout Out: Kindergarten Practicum

As part of the methods course we go through a kindergarten practicum. This semester we have been placed in either a group of three or a group of four. Each group is given the opportunity to observe a kindergarten class, in which they will later be teaching a math, literacy, and thematic lesson. Up to this […]


In recent Science Methods classes, we have been studying different types of birds. We have also been talking a lot about the inquiry process. The inquiry process is a continuum of developing a question, identifying resources and gathering information, assessing information and data, communicating new ideas and knowledge, and reflection. It is a very engaging […]

Minnesota Council for the Social Studies

Here we are at the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies spring conference! In the upcoming week, let’s share resources and teaching ideas from the conference. (I’ll look through my notes and get the ball rolling tomorrow.)

What is life like for children around the world?

One great way to launch an inquiry unit on a question like “What is life like for children around the world?” is to show students documentary photographs. Many of you expressed interest in the posters that the geography group used for their lesson yesterday. In addition to the Hungry Planet and Material World resources, TeachUnicef […]

Shout out: Poster for NCATE

Check out the poster that Sarah Martin created for the upcoming NCATE review! Sarah used quotes from the class, the local newspaper article, and photos to show how the Giant Map of Africa is an example of how we connect to the community. You can see the original poster in the Education office. (Maybe we […]

Shout out: Social Studies Lesson

In the past couple class periods, we were working on preparing discipline area lesson plans. The different groups were history, geography, civics education, and economics. Today in class we all taught our 30 minute lessons to everyone from our discipline. We also shared a handout with everyone about the area our group looked into so […]