Interactive Read Aloud Posted on March 14th, 2013 by

Interactive Read Aloud

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Literacy is a key component of elementary education and it is given much emphasis in the classroom. It is clear that reading aloud has value to children of all ages. This week we got to experience an interactive read aloud activity during class. Interactive read aloud not only allows the teacher to read a big book aloud to their students, but also to introduce basics of print, ask students to make predictions, use reasoning, analyze illustrations, and answer higher-order thinking questions. It may even involve writing certain vocabulary words on chart paper or using that book as a mentor text to make your own class book. It is important that this activity is planned ahead of time so teachers know where they want to pause and probe students’ comprehension. Do you remember a big book your teacher read to you when you were younger? Do you have a particular big book you would like to try an interactive read aloud with someday?


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